Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

London Stock Exchange To Offer Bonds

Date 18/11/2002

Van der Moolen UK Ltd today became the first firm to offer trading in fixed income securities through the London Stock Exchange's RSP Gateway. The Gateway now enables private client brokers to access prices and execute trades in equities, covered warrants and fixed income securities.

Van der Moolen have become a member firm of the Exchange and are specialist market makers in retail sized European Government bonds, US Treasuries, Credits, Jumbo Pfandbriefe, Agencies, Emerging Markets and Corporates. UK Gilt and Euro-sterling products will also be available via the RSP Gateway.

Retail brokers will be able to take advantage of easy access to bid/offer prices in over 700 US and European bonds, with tight spreads and no minimum trade size. This is the first time that retail investors have easy access to such a wide range of fixed income products through their stockbrokers. They will be able to buy bonds at wholesale prices for retail sized trades.

Van der Moolen's web site ( will allow retail brokers access to view live prices in the variety of fixed income products that they are making available via the RSP Gateway.

The Gateway works by linking Retail Service Providers (RSPs) and retail brokers through a single Exchange network connection rather than multiple proprietary connections that together can be costly to establish and maintain.

Chris Broad, Head of Broker Services at the Exchange, said: "This development is the latest example of the Exchange broadening the range of products and services available to customers. We are delighted to welcome Van der Moolen and their fixed income products to the RSP Gateway. The Gateway service will cap, and ultimately bring down, the industry cost of creating and maintaining multiple electronic connections between brokers and RSPs"

. Paul Humphrey, Managing Director of Van der Moolen UK Ltd, said: "We are extremely privileged to be the first sell side institution to deliver international fixed income products through the RSP Gateway. The Gateway will enable Van der Moolen to access a new range of clients, and at the same time provide easy access for those clients to a pool of fixed income liquidity that has been historically difficult to access."