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London Stock Exchange: techMARK Celebrates Five Year Anniversary

Date 03/11/2004

techMARK™, the London Stock Exchange’s international Main Market segment for innovative technology companies, marked its fifth anniversary today following a period of tough trading conditions for the technology sector over its five year history.

Commenting on the anniversary of techMARK, Martin Graham, the Exchange’s Director of Market Services, said:

“We are delighted to be celebrating techMARK’s fifth birthday. Investor confidence in the technology sector has improved over the last year, with the FTSE techMARK 100 and FTSE techMARK All-Share indices outperforming the FTSE 100, NASDAQ Composite and the TecDAX-All share indices.

“The London Stock Exchange remains committed to providing innovative technology companies with peer group identification and benchmarking on techMARK. This is in addition to the benefits of a Main Market listing, which include access to one of the deepest pools of capital in Europe and internationally respected regulatory standards.”

e2v technologies, a manufacturer of high-performance electronic tube and sensor technologies, which joined the market on 25 October 2004, is the most recent admission to techMARK.

According to Keith Attwood, Chief Executive Officer of e2v technologies:

“Inclusion in techMARK will be helpful in raising e2v’s profile as an innovative technology company amongst a wider investor base.”

To mark the anniversary, Marc Gordon, Managing Director of Close Fund Management, joined Martin Graham to open the London market. Marc Gordon did this by switching on ‘The Source’, a specially commissioned artwork in the main atrium of the London Stock Exchange’s building in Paternoster Square.

At the 31 October 2004, there were 168 UK companies and 12 international companies on techMARK with a total market value of around £280 billion. These companies are drawn from 21 FTSE sectors and 31 FTSE sub-sectors.