Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

London Stock Exchange Monthly Market Report - Strong Order Book Trading During October

Date 09/11/2004

Exchange’s electronic order book, was £3.6 billion during October 2004, up 14 per cent on the same month last year. The total number of trades on SETS during the month was a record 3,658,902, whilst the value traded during the month increased 4 per cent on the previous year to £75.7 billion. This was achieved in just 21 trading days in October 2004, compared with 23 in October 2003.

SETSmm, the Exchange’s hybrid trading service, marked the completion of its first full year of trading with a record 341,351 trades on the order book during October, worth £3.6 billion. Excluding the 22 stocks which listed after the launch of the platform, there were a total of 433,803 trades in SETSmm stocks during the month, worth a total of £12.1 billion. This was a 150 per cent increase in the number of trades and a 15 per cent increase on the value traded in the same stocks in October 2003, prior to the introduction of SETSmm.

The average daily value traded in UK and international equity across the London Stock Exchange during the month was £18.1 billion, up 11 per cent on the average daily value traded in October 2003. In total there were 5,778,066 UK and international equity trades during October with a value of £379.3 billion.

The average daily value traded in ETFs on the Exchange during October was £15.86 million, an increase of 25 per cent on October 2003. There were 6,454 ETF trades during the month with a total value of £333.1 million. These figures included one week’s trading data for the iShares FTSE/ Xinhua China 25 ETF, which began trading on 25 October.

On the primary market there were 43 new issues raising £371.1 million. The Main Market saw six IPOs: five UK companies raising £92.8 million between them; and one international company raising £75.4 million. There were 22 IPOs on AIM, raising a total of £189.0 million between them, and one transfer from AIM to the Main Market.

These figures bring the total number of new issues on the Main Market this calendar year to 47, raising a total of £3.6 billion. Of these new issues 35 were IPOs. On AIM there have been 271 new issues this year, including 179 IPOs. New issues on AIM this year have raised a total of £2.0 billion.