Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Ljubljana Stock Exchange: Transfer Of GRVG, IEKG, KRKG, MELR, MER, And PETG Shares Onto Prime Market

Date 29/09/2005

On 28 September 2005, the Stock Exchange Management Board adopted the decision that the following shares be transferred onto the Ljubljana Stock Exchange prime market on 3 October 2005:
  • The GRVG shares, issued by GORENJE, d.d. Velenje,
  • The IEKG shares, issued by INTEREUROPA, d.d., Koper,
  • The KRKG shares, issued by KRKA, d.d., Novo mesto,
  • The MELR shares, issued by POSLOVNI SISTEM MERCATOR, d.d., Ljubljana,
  • The MER shares, issued by MERKUR, d.d., Naklo,
  • The PETG shares, issued by PETROL, d.d., Ljubljana.

The shares of the issuers listed above meet the special quantitative (including the specified percentage of shares in public ownership) and liquidity criteria enabling the transfer onto the prime market in compliance with the second paragraph of Article 21a of the Rules as well as according to Article 8 of the Instructions for the Issuers of Securities on the Regulated Market.

The above issuers have addressed written applications to the Stock Exchange stating their request for transfer onto prime market, whereby they are obliged to abide by higher disclosure standards, binding them to:

  • present their publications and announcements according to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by 1 January 2006 at the latest;
  • provide simultaneous public announcements in Slovene as well as in English (the minimum requirement asks them to publish brief summaries of their Slovene announcements in English).

In compliance with the provisions of Article 302.a of the Rules, the transfer will be carried out on 3 October 2005, when the new segment of the official market, the prime market, is introduced.