Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Ljubljana Stock Exchange October Monthly Statistics

Date 19/11/1999

The total turnover of securities on the Exchange amounted to SIT 27.7 billion in October and reached the highest value this year, after the amount of SIT 23.5 billion in September. In 1999 the Exchange recorded the second highest total turnover in March (SIT 24.3 billion). The total turnover in October 1998 was SIT 9.8 billion. The total turnover on the Exchange in the first ten months of this year amounted to SIT 199.8 billion and was 70% higher than the figure of the same period in the previous year, which was SIT 117.3 billion. In October 103 block trades (112 in September and 37 in October 1998) were reported by the Exchange members, with a total value of SIT 15.9 billion (SIT 10.8 billion in September and SIT 2.4 billion in October 1998). The value of block trades represented as much as 57.4% of the total turnover in October 1999 (vs. 45.8% in September) and was much higher than the 1999 average of 44.2%. (the average in 1998 was 37%). In the first ten months of this year 752 block trades, with a total value of SIT 88.3 billion were reported by the members. In October 1999, the share of turnover of different types of securities in the total turnover, on all three segments of the ljubijana Stock Exchange, was as follows: shares accounted for 46.45% (in September 54.16% and in October 1998 65.2%), bonds reached 21.44% (vs. 17.77% in September and 19.4% a year ago), short-term securities 0.18% (vs. 0.41 % in September and 2.7% a year ago) and shares of investment funds made up 31 % of the total turnover (vs. 27.66% in September and 12.7% in October 1998). The most traded shares on the official market of the exchange were: Lek, Merkur, Mercator, Intereuropa and Kovinotehna. The most traded bonds were bonds of the Republic of Slovenia 10th, 4th, 9th, 12th and 2nd issue. The average number of transactions per day in October 1999 was 1,666 (vs. 1,605 in September), and was much higher than the 943 transactions per day average of 1998. The average of the first ten months of 1999 was more than 1,650. The average turnover per day in October was SIT 1.32 billion (vs SIT 1.07 billion in September). The daily average of ten months of 1999 was SIT 0.95 billion. In October 1999, ten most active Exchange members concluded 62.77% of the total turnover (vs. 58.54% in September). The most active members were: Slovenska zadruzkna kmetijska banka (12.22%), Gorenjska BPD (10.02%), BPD Fida (7.46%), Perspektiva (6.99%) and Ilirika (6.37%). After a rapid growth during both summer months (4.72% in July and 8% in August) the trend of the index SBI reversed in September and declined by 0.9%, ending the month at 1,905.20 points. In October the index declined further to 1,844.99 points.