Electronic information dissemination system called SEOnet consists of two individual components: one is labelled SEOin, and is a service intended for listed companies and other capital market regulatory institutions - the subscribers to the system, while the other is named SEOnet, and is to serve in particular the needs of broader investing public. The issuers and other subscribers to the system may enter template announcement documents and have the latter published via SEOnet; investors and other users are enabled easy public access to collected published disclosure information. Public announcements are available at http://seonet.ljse.si or at http://www.ljse.si.
SEOnet service also enables the publication of:
- announcements for the public by the subscribers to the system,
- short messages of public announcements of the companies which are not subscribers and must submit such information to the Exchange according to the SMA by-law
- announcements of other regulatory institutions, subscribers to the SEOin service.
SEOnet is a publicly accessible electronic service of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, Inc., which enables free and easy access to business information both on listed companies as well as on public announcements of the Exchange and other regulatory institutions of the Slovenian capital market. The main aim of the latest service available at the Ljubljana Stock Exchange is to improve the transparency of public announcements for the investing public and simplify the procedure of such announcements for the issuers.