Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

LIFFE and Amsterdam Exchanges to Launch Euro Derivatives on FTSE Eurotop 300 Index Series

Date 23/01/1999

FTSE International, the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchanges (LIFFE) and Amsterdam Exchanges have announced that their close co-operative relationship will be further strengthened by the listing in May 1999 of futures and options contracts based on the FTSE Eurotop family of indices. Amsterdam Exchanges will trade futures and options contracts based on the FTSE Eurobloc 100 and the FTSE Eurotop 300. LIFFE will trade futures and options contracts based on the FTSE Eurobloc 100, the FTSE Eurotop 300 and the FTSE Eurotop 300 ex UK. Amsterdam Exchanges currently trades options on the FTSE Eurotop 100 while LIFFE currently trades futures on the same contract. All the new contracts will be denominated in euros. The FTSE Eurotop 300 Index comprises the top 300 companies listed on the major European stock markets, while the FTSE Eurobloc 100 Index is a sub-index of the FTSE Eurotop 300, covering only companies listed on the eurozone stock markets. By listing Eurotop and Eurobloc Index products on both exchanges, LIFFE and Amsterdam Exchanges are offering their customer base a full range of products based on FTSE International's comprehensive family of European Indices. In addition, LIFFE and Amsterdam Exchanges are co-operating together to enable their Members to make capital savings, when clearing the pan-European FTSE products, through margin offset arrangements.