Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Leading Exchanges To Meet At The Sixth Globalisation Forum

Date 03/03/2005

The leading exchanges, investment funds, clearers and policy makers are to meet at the Sixth Globalisation Forum, to be held in New York in association with The New York Stock Exchange, Euronext and VDM at The Plaza Hotel on 8th and 9th March 2005.

Under the heading ‘Competition and Confidence’, John Thain, CEO NYSE; Jeffrey Tessler, CEO Clearstream, Deutsche Börse Group; Anso Thiré, Managing Director and Head of Corporate Strategy, Euroclear; and Paul Chow, CEO HKEx, among many others, will discuss the most challenging issues confronting today’s securities markets. A full list of speakers, together with the agenda, can be seen at

Other speakers for Globalisation 6 include: Robert Carlson, Vice President, Board of Administration, CalPERS; Peter Clapman, Senior Vice President and Counsel, TIAA-CREF; Richard Lindsey, President, Bear Stearns Securities Corporation; Mike Rigodanzo, Senior Vice President, Technology Services, Hewlett-Packard; Marc E. Lackritz, President, Securities Industry Association; Magnus Böcker, CEO OMX AB; Adam Bryan, CEO Omgeo; Tom Jones, Vice Chairman, International Accounting Standards Board; Mrs Elvira Maria Schamann, Secretary General, FIABV; Paul Arlman, Secretary General, FESE; and Gerrit de Marez Oyens, former Secretary General, World Federation of Exchanges. A special Hewlett-Packard Day of Sharing Best Practice will take place on 10th March, and is open to all attendees at Globalisation 6.

Globalisation 6 is sponsored by Hewlett-Packard, in association with NYSE, Euronext and VDM. This annual event presents a unique opportunity for the different sectors within the industry and their associated bodies to discuss new strategies and to chart their intended direction. Since its inception, the Globalisation series has built an international reputation as a predictive forum and an environment for senior-level networking across all market sectors.