Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange: Significant Positive Feedback For MESDAQ Market Seminar

Date 15/08/2003

The 'Going Public on MESDAQ Market' seminar organised by the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) continued to record significant positive feedback from industry and market participants.

KLSE held the seminar in Malacca on 4 August 2003, registering over 140 participants and in Johor on 5 August 2003 registering over 190 participants. Participants at the seminars comprise representatives of high growth and technology companies as well as intermediaries and advisers based in Malacca and Johor. The 'Going Public on MESDAQ Market' seminars in Malacca and Johor are part of a series of going public seminars organised by KLSE beginning in Penang on 3 March 2003 which was attended by over 160 participants.

Based on a written feedback from participants in Malacca and Johor, over 60% of respondents rated the seminar excellent or good in meeting the key requirements on going public on the MESDAQ Market, extensiveness of topics covered, effectiveness of the seminar programme and effectiveness in addressing concerns and issues of going public.

KLSE's Deputy President, Strategy & Development Abdul Hamid Sheikh Mohamed said KLSE will continue to organise the Going Public seminars in other states in Malaysia, including Sabah and Sarawak.

"It is important to note that the effectiveness of these seminars is largely contributed by the pro-active involvement of relevant industry and market participants in these seminars.

"We would certainly welcome continued support and co-operation at future Going Public on MESDAQ Market seminars to be organised by KLSE," he said.