Executive Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) Dato' Mohd Azlan Hashim said in adopting an international approach and thinking, the capital market and securities industry will offer the right products, providing the right physical and regulatory infrastructure to meet the needs and expectations of international investors.
"I believe that with the introduction and enhancements of certain standards and practices, Malaysia will be able to present to investors, both local and foreign, a capital market that is by standing and stature, international not only in concept but also by practice.
"One that adopts international best practices and can stand the test of any group of investors and fund managers alike," he said.
It is in recognising these needs, Mohd Azlan said, which has led KLSE to significantly review and revamp the Listing Requirements.
Mohd Azlan said whilst KLSE is already accepted internationally - almost 20 percent of KLSE market capitalisation is owned by international investors which come from all over the world - KLSE will seek to further enhance its market appeal to all investors.
Mohd Azlan was delivering his opening address at the Seminar on the Revamped Listing Requirements of Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange organised by the Malaysian Association of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (MAICSA) and the Association of Merchant Banks in Malaysia (AMBM).
In his opening address, Mohd Azlan noted that capital markets that intend to develop and progress, can no longer afford to be exclusive and rely only on a certain group of people or market segment.