Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

KCBT Value Line® Futures Contract Celebrates 20th Anniversary

Date 21/02/2002

The Kansas City Board of Trade Value Line® stock index futures contract will be celebrating its 20th anniversary on Mon., February 25. The contract began trading in Kansas City on Feb. 24, 1982.

The Value Line broke new ground as the world's first stock index futures contract. The Value Line is made up of 1,650 stocks from different industries including blue-chip, mid-cap and small-cap issues. These stocks are equally weighted, which allows the Value Line to remain one of the broadest-based stock indexes and a good indicator of how the market will perform. The price movement of a smaller company has as much impact on the index as the movement of a larger company. This is unlike other stock indexes, where the movement of larger or higher-priced stocks has a disproportionate influence. The Value Line is affordably priced for institutional and individual investors with a multiplier of $100.

The Value Line is an excellent candidate for spread trading against more narrow indexes such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500, and against broader capitalization-weighted indexes such as the New York Stock Exchange composite. Following is the Value Line/S&P spread chart for the previous year, which illustrates the gains that the Value Line has made during that time period.

Value Line® is a registered mark of Value Line® Inc., a New York corporation that provides financial services and publications. Since 1982, the Kansas City Board of Trade has been licensed to use the Value Line® mark in connection with its efforts to establish futures markets tied to the Value Line® index. The Kansas City Board of Trade and Value Line, Inc. are not affiliated corporate entities.