Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

KCBT® Speculative Position Limit Change - KCBT® Announces Increased Speculative Position lLmits For Wheat

Date 01/06/2005

The Kansas City Board of Trade announces an increase in speculative position limits for all single-month and all-months-combined positions for hard red winter wheat futures and options contracts. Spot month limits will remain unchanged.

The changes follow the Commodity Futures Trading Commission publishing the final rules regarding the increased speculative positions limits for the KCBT® , the Chicago Board of Trade and the Minneapolis Grain exchange.

The changes are effective on June 10, 2005.

  Current Limit New Limit
Spot Month 600 600
Single Month 3,000 5,000
All Months Combined 4,000 6,500