Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Kansas City Board of Trade Year-to-date Wheat Futures Volume Ahead Of 2003 By 9.3 Percent

Date 01/11/2004

Kansas City Board of Trade year-to-date wheat futures volume continues to post gains compared to year-to-date 2003, with the exchange as a whole also showing gains.

KCBT wheat futures volume was 9.3 percent ahead of year-to-date 2003 volume through the end of October. Total exchange volume was ahead of 2003 year-to-date volume by a total of .7 percent at the end of October.

KCBT wheat futures open interest swelled during the month of October, posting a gain of 17.7 percent compared to a year ago and 10.7 percent compared to the end of September. Additionally, wheat options open interest increased 11.2 percent compared to the end of September.

The Kansas City Board of Trade, chartered in 1876, is the world's largest futures market for hard red winter wheat.

Open interest measures the number of open trading positions in a market. Each KCBT wheat futures contract represents 5,000 bushels of wheat.