Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

JSC "RTS Stock Exchange " Weekly Trading Data: August 15th – August 19th, 2005

Date 23/08/2005

During the week of August 15th-August 19th, 2005, total trading volume on the JSC "RTS Stock Exchange" reached 977 million rubles. The second-tier stock turnover equaled 410 million rubles, 42% of the total trading volume.

Overall there were 4 106 deals made on the Stock Market during the past period. 86 different securities were traded on the market (trades in "Gazprom" stock are not taken into account in this statistics). Among second-tier stocks, the most popular securities were: "Transneft" preferred stocks (7,4% of the total trading volume), "MTS" common stocks (2,8%), "Vimpelcom" common stocks (2,7%), "Uralswazinform" common stocks (2,2%), " Purneftegas (Rosneft) " preferred stocks (2,1%). Last week's top gainers were "Ufaneftekhim" preferred stocks (29,2%), " Sberbank" preferred stocks (21,5%), "Scientific Production Corporation "IRKUT" common stocks (15,9%).

Among the week's top losers – "Morion" common stocks (-38,3%), " Kostroma State District Power Station" common (-9,8%) and " Organichesky sintez, Kazan " common stocks (-8,5%).

The most active operators on the market last week were "Troika Dialog" and "ALOR+". "OLMA Investment Firm" is on the 3 rd place. "ATON" (4 th ) changed places with "Savings Bank of the Russian Federation", which is now the 5 th . " IC East Capital Ltd" moved from 36 th to 13 th position.