As previously announced*, we at JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc. (JPXI) launched today its data service that provides information on the scheduled dates of earnings releases that listed companies, REITs, and infrastructure funds periodically report to Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (TSE) (hereinafter referred to collectively as "TSE-listed Companies, Etc.").
In addition, SCRIPTS Asia, a wholly owned subsidiary of JPXI, has launched an API of the service to provide both the scheduled dates of earnings releases provided by JPXI along with IR events information such as earnings briefings, a SCRIPTS Asia service.
- See "Notice regarding Launch of Scheduled Dates of Earnings Releases Information Service" (JPX Notice released on January 24, 2024) and "Notice of Finalization regarding the Fee Structure for the Scheduled Dates of Earnings Releases Information Service" (JPX Notice released on April 26, 2024)
Scheduled Dates of Earnings Releases Information Service (Provided by JPXI)
This service offers the following two types of data via CSV files. The fee structure and specifications of the provided files differ for each data type. For details, please refer to the "Guide for Scheduled Dates of Earnings Releases Information Service."
- "Daily Data" (monthly fee) that enables customers to obtain a list of the scheduled dates (exact time not specified) of earnings releases reported to TSE by TSE-listed Companies, Etc. by the day before the data provision date on every business day
- "Historical Data" (bulk purchase) that enables customers to purchase a list of the scheduled dates (exact time not specified) of earnings releases reported to TSE by TSE-listed Companies, Etc. in the past for a period designated by the user
For the time being, historical data for the three years from 2021 to 2023 has been provided as sample data free of charge so that potential users can see what kind of data is provided*.
Applicants may access the sample data free of charge. Please apply if you are interested in this service.
For details on how to apply for the sample data, please refer to the "Guide for Scheduled Dates of Earnings Releases Information Service."
We have prepared sample data that that does not require application so potential users can easily check the format. Please feel free to obtain it from the following link.
- See "JPXI to Begin Providing Sample Data for the Scheduled Dates of Earnings Releases Information Service" (JPX Notice released on March 6, 2024)
Japan Key Events Date Feed (Provided by SCRIPTS Asia)
This service offers the following data via centralized API*.
- The past scheduled dates of earnings releases for approximately 10 years (history of the scheduled dates of earnings releases reported to TSE by TSE-listed companies, Etc. in the past)
- The latest information, updated daily, on the scheduled dates of earnings releases by TSE-listed companies, Etc.
- SCRIPTS Asia's IR events information such as earnings briefings, from over 6 years (approximately 1,200 listed companies are covered but the historical data periods differ for each company.).
- SCRIPTS Asia's latest IR events information, such as earnings briefings, updated as needed (approximately 1,200 listed companies are covered.).
- In addition, full transcripts of the IR event are available as an optional service.
SCRIPTS Asia will also offer a free trial of the API service.
For more information about this service or to request a free trial, please contact us at the "Contact" link below.
JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc. Frontier Development