Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Joint Press Release Of The National Stock Exchange Of Lithuania And "Partners For Financial Stability" Programme

Date 13/11/2001

On Wednesday, 14 November 2001, the National Stock Exchange of Lithuania (NSEL) in co-operation with the Partners for Financial Stability Programme (PFS), financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Lithuanian Securities Commission will conduct a Seminar on Investor Relations and Compliance with Disclosure Requirements for Lithuanian Issuers.

This seminar will focus on disclosure and corporate governance of listed companies in Lithuania, as well as company relations with institutional and retail investors. Examples of best practices of investor relations as well as practical aspects of investor relations in the Lithuanian and Central and Eastern European companies will be introduced. Results of the survey of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange will be presented. Institutional investors will share their views on relations with a company before and after investment. During the event, the role of public relations companies as an intermediary between the company and its shareholders as well as Internet and other new information disclosure methods will be discussed.

A member of the Lithuanian Securities Commission will present a newly prepared Calendar of Disclosure Requirements for the Lithuanian Issuers. The Lithuanian and foreign experts from public companies, investment funds, and investor relations companies will give presentations.

During the seminar break from 10:30 to 11:00 am a press conference will take place in the first conference hall of Hotel Ĺ arunas, located at Raitininku 4, Vilnius. Journalists are kindly invited to attend. PFS, established at the end of 1999, is a co-operative programme of the USAID and East-West management Institute, Inc., a New York based non profit organisation. PFS is active in Central and Eastern European countries. The goal of the PFS Programme is to promote regional co-operation in the financial sector through selective technical assistance programmes and practical application of lessons learned in neighbouring countries. The substantive areas covered under the PFS programme are accounting, auditing banking, capital markets, insurance and pension reform.

NSEL holds trading in shares, bonds, and Government securities. Currently there are 47 companies listed at the NSEL, out of which 6 are from the Official trading list and 41 - from the Current trading list. On 31 October 2001, capitalisation of listed shares totalled LTL 4623m (USD 1156m). The NSEL share turnover stood at LTL 236,7m (USD 59,2 m). The dynamics of the securities market in Lithuania are reflected by the official NSEL indices LITIN-10, LITIN and LITIN-G.

For more information, please contact NSEL Public relations manager Ms. Diana Sokolova at (+370 2) 72 13 71,