As of 15 March 2001, the total market capitalisation of the Baltic List stood at EUR 2.53 billion (EUR 2.8 billion as of 15 December, 2000).
Comppanies in the Baltic List are: Balta, RSE; Eesti Telekom, TSE; Ekranas, NSEL; Hansapank, TSE; Kalnapilis, NSEL; Latvijas Gaze, RSE; Lietuvos Telekomas, NSEL; Merko Ehitus, TSE; Norma, TSE; Pro Kapital Grupp, TSE; Rokiskio suris, NSEL; Snaige, NSEL; Tallinna Kaubamaja, TSE; Utenos Trikotazas, NSEL and Ventspils nafta, RSE.
Additional information about the Baltic List is available on the joint Internet homepage of the three Baltic bourses at