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Join ACER-FSR Policy Conference: Power System Flexibility, Demand Response And The Role Of Consumers In Achieving Energy Goals (12 June 2024) At The EU Sustainable Energy Week 2024

Date 21/05/2024

ACER, in collaboration with the Florence School of Regulation (FSR), will co-host a Policy Conference during the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2024, themed ‘Net-Zero Energy Solutions for a Competitive Europe’.

When & where?

Wednesday 12 June, 16:30 - 18:00 CEST, in Brussels and online.

What is it about?

Power system flexibility needs to double by 2030 to keep pace with an increasing share of variable renewables in the electricity systems. As supply increasingly fluctuates, demand must accommodate. Demand response (the consumer side) stands out as one of the cheapest forms of flexibility. But many barriers are impeding system flexibility.

While there are many EU efforts ongoing to “unlock” flexibility (e.g. new EU rules on demand response and grid code revisions), there is no need to “wait for Brussels”. Action needs to happen now at national level and across borders to remove the barriers to demand response.

Event objective

This Policy Conference will discuss:

  • What’s stopping demand response and which barriers must be removed?
  • How to assess flexibility needs in line with the new Electricity Market Design reforms at the national level and at an EU level?
  • How to unlock untapped demand-response and enable consumers to reduce or shift their energy consumption and support climate and energy goals?
  • How to create a viable business model for entities supporting consumers in providing flexibility through demand response?

Register to EUSEW and add our session to your agenda.