1. Acts of conducting a series of stock index futures transactions intended to create an artificial market which does not reflect actual state of the market
The Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission (SESC) conducted an inspection of J.P. Morgan Securities Asia Pte. Limited, Tokyo Branch (hereinafter referred to as ''the Branch''), and found the following violation of the Securities and Exchange Law. The SESC recommended
on March 2, 2006, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency (FSA) to take a disciplinary action on the Branch.
(1) From 13:57 to 15:10 on November 4, 2004, conducting the TOPIX futures transactions on its overseas affiliated company's account, a trader of the Branch placed in the TSE market a series of selling orders and purchasing orders at the same index point both by himself and matched them each other. As a result, the Branch conducted cross trades in the TOPIX futures transactions with no intention to transfer the rights represented by the TOPIX futures.
(2) The acts above are found to be ''acts of conducting a series of stock index futures transactions intended to create an artificial market which does not reflect actual state of the market'' stipulated in Article 4(iii) of the Ordinance of the Cabinet Office Concerning the Regulations, etc. of Conducts of Securities Companies (before amended in 2005), and thus to have violated Article 42(1)(ix) of the Securities and Exchange Law (before amended in 2004) as applied by Article 14(1) of the Law on Foreign Securities Firms (before amended in 2004).
* The Branch had already received from its another overseas affiliated company an off-session bilateral trade order(the Branch = buy, the Affiliate = sell) of the TOPIX futures at -5bps from the market VWAP of that day(November 4, 2004). The acts above by the Branch were conducted during the hedge trade of the sell order that it had received. As a result, the market VWAP of that day fell down around 0.15 point.