The Financial Services Agency (FSA) and the Bank of Japan (BOJ) are working on climate-related scenario analysis in the banking sector. In FY2021, the FSA and the BOJ conducted a pilot exercise using common scenarios in cooperation with three major banks and published the key results and takeaways of the exercise in August 2022. The FSA and the BOJ today published a summary of subsequent initiatives related to the scenario analysis and the framework of the second exercise to be conducted.
Climate-Related Scenario Analysis - Next Step in the Banking Sector -
Climate-Related Scenario Analysis - Next Step in the Banking Sector - (Japanese)
*Other initiatives on sustainable finance can be found here.
Contact | |
Financial Services Agency Macro-financial Stability and Data Strategy Office Strategy Development and Management Bureau Tel:+81-3-3506-6000(ex:3676) |
Bank of Japan Financial System and Bank Examination Department Tel:+81-3-3279-1111(ex:2933) |