Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

January On The Warsaw Stock Exchange - Monthly Statistics

Date 06/02/2003

In January 2003, two WSE indices: WIRR - small companies index and TechWIG - index of the Segment for Innovative Technologies went up. Other WSE indices fell.

Monthly index movements Change from the
beginning of the year
WIG20 -5.08% -5.08%
MIDWIG -4.84% -4.84%
WIG -3.63% -3.63%
TECHWIG 5.89% 5.89%
NIF -1.94% -1.94%
WIRR 6.77% 6.77%

Among all listed companies 106 showed positive rates of return.

Stocks with the highest returns in January
Company Price (in zloty) Change (%)
on 31.12.02 0n 31.01.03
PROCHNIK 0.21 0.82 290.5
ENERGOPN 5.35 11.25 110.3
HYDROBUD 11.00 23.00 109.1

The cash market turnover amounted to 4 444 million zloty and was 10.7% higher compared to December 2002. On the futures market, turnover totalled 8 980 million and was 58% higher than in the previous month.

Turnover (million zloty)
Stocks (Excluding block trades) 4 069
Bonds (Excluding block trades) 375
MiniWIG20 7
Futures (Based on contracts value) 8 973
Volume (contracts) 378 894

On January 15, 2003, investment certificates issued by CA IB Fundusz Inwestycyjny Mieszany Pro Lokata made their debut on the Exchange; 5,363,664 certificates were introduced to trading. The fund was created for a specified period time - until December 29, 2003. The fund invests its assets in T-bills and T-bonds, i.e. securities guaranteed by the State Treasury.

On January 15, 2003, a meeting of WSE Supervisory Board was held. The Board excluded from trading shares of Telefonika Kable and Art Marketing Syndicate due to their withdrawal from public trading. At the same meeting, the Board excluded one of the member firms - SG Securities Polska S.A.

On January 16, 2003, the inauguration of the Exchange Year was held. This is an annual event organised by the Exchange since 1993. During the ceremony, the best performing listed companies and member firms were presented with the awards of the President of the Management Board. The event was attended by government officials, representatives of the Parliament, listed companies and member firms, as well as other capital markets institutions and media. The full list of all the awards can be found on the WSE web site at'ie/kalendarium.xml

Starting from January 20, 2003, shares of Elektromontaz-Warszawa and Prochnik have been transferred from the single-price auction system to continuous trading.

On January 23, 2003, investment certificates issued by Millennium Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamknipty Gwarantowany Plus 20 made their debut on the Exchange. The fund was created for a specified period - until December 31, 2003. Millennium FIZ Gwarantowany plus 20 invests its assets mainly 'in debt securities issued by the State Treasury and other issuers with the highest credibility. The fund guarantees that on December 18 and 19, 2003, BIG Bank Gda6ski SA will buy the certificates back at no less than 105 zloty.

On January 29, 2003, the WSE Management Board took a resolution suspending operations on the Exchange of Credit Suisse First Boston (Polska) S.A. staffing from February 1, 2003. This was due to the CSFB application asking the Supervisory Board for repealing its resolution admitting the company to operations on the Exchange. The above application was in turn related to the fact that Credit Suisse First Boston (Polska) S.A. intends to sell its business to Dom Maklerski BZ WBK S.A.

On January 30, 2003, shares of Duda S.A. made its debut on the WSE parallel market in the continuous trading system; 2,300,000 ordinary bearer shares of series A and 1,014,200 ordinary bearer shares of series B were introduced to trading. Until January 29, 2003, allotment certificates concerning series B were traded on the Exchange. Zaklady Miesne Duda has been on the market since 1990. The main activity of the company is slaughtering and pork and beef processing. For 10 years, the company has been systematically strengthening its market position. Today ZM Duda S.A is at the forefront of the Polish meat sector.