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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

iShares Launches Sustainable ETFs On NYSE Euronext

Date 24/05/2011

NYSE Euronext is pleased to announce that iShares, the Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) platform of BlackRock, Inc. today has listed two sustainable equity ETFs on the Amsterdam market of NYSE Euronext. The launch of the new products is in response to demand for funds which invest according to environmental, social and governance criteria.

The new launched iShares ETFs are:
•  iShares Dow Jones Global Sustainability Screened;
•  iShares Dow Jones Europe Sustainability Screened;

The ETFs allow investors cost efficient and liquid access to European and Global companies which operate in a sustainable manner. The ETFs aim to track the performance of the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index and the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index. There is an element of negative screening, choosing to exclude companies with involvement in alcohol, tobacco, gambling, armaments & firearms and adult entertainment.

Roel Thijssen, managing director of BlackRock and head of iShares Benelux: ‘’I am excited to introduce the first Dutch ETFs based on sustainable criteria. As a market leader we have taken our responsibility to be the first in the market to respond to the increasing demand of sustainable financial products in The Netherlands. I am proud our innovation power gives Dutch investors the opportunity to invest in sustainable companies in Europe and on a global level.’’

“We’re pleased to welcome these ETFs to our Amsterdam market”, said Pedro Fernandes, European Head of ETPs at NYSE Euronext. “These ETFs give clients new opportunities to invest in sustainable companies through a leading regulated market offering superior technology, market model and liquidity. With the growing demand for these products the new iShares ETFs are a welcome way to meet the investors’ needs”.

The launch takes the total number of iShares ETFs listed on NYSE Euronext to 85, of which 48 are multi-listed on both the Amsterdam and Paris markets. NYSE Euronext is one of the leading venues for Exchange Traded Funds. The ETF segment continues to grow and is increasingly successful on the European and US NYSE Euronext markets. There are now a total of 561 ETFs listed on the European markets of NYSE Euronext, registering an Average Daily Turnover (ADT) of €473.2 million in Q1 of 2011, an increase of 36.6% compared with the daily average of €346.4 million in the same period last year. ETFs are also very popular in the Dutch market. The ETF market in the Netherlands has grown 29% in 2010. Currently there are 121 ETFs listed in Amsterdam with total assets under management (AUM) of approximately € 56,2 billion (as at end of April 2011).

ETFs or Trackers are open-end investment funds listed on a stock exchange and tradable in the same way as an individual security. An ETF closely follows or tracks a particular benchmark index, seeking to replicate the performance of the index and offering flexible, low-cost exposure to entire markets or market segments in just one easy transaction. They also combine the simplicity of equities with the diversified risk of investment funds. A further benefit is the low level of management fees associated with this type of passive investment.