Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

ISDEX® Internet Stock Index Component Alteration Announced

Date 29/03/2001

The Kansas City Board of Trade announces the following changes to the ISDEX® index of Internet stocks, effective after the market close on Friday, March 30.

VerticalNet, CacheFlow, Razorfish and Netegrity, have been removed from the index. Ariba, and Utlicom have been added.

The ISDEX is reviewed quarterly to add or delete stocks that best represent the Internet diversity for investors. If there is an intra-quarter merger or acquisition of companies within the index, stocks may be added to the ISDEX immediately or soon after. In this way, the ISDEX has been the most up-to-date and dynamic Internet stock index.

ISDEX®, The Internet Stock Index, created by Corporation, is the leading and the oldest Internet stock index in the marketplace. The ISDEX contains 50 stocks representative of the diversity of publicly traded U.S. companies that derive revenue primarily from the Internet.

For more information on KCBT ISDEX futures and futures options and a complete listing of stocks, please visit the KCBT's website at, and Corporation's website at ISDEX® is a registered trademark of Corporation.