Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

ISDA: Revisiting Cross-Border Fragmentation Of Global OTC Derivatives: Mid-Year 2014 Update

Date 24/07/2014

Evidence has emerged that over-the-counter derivatives markets have fragmented along geographical lines since the start of the swap execution facility (SEF) regime in the US on October 2, 2013. That trend has been especially notable for euro interest rate swaps, with European dealers opting to trade with other European parties. This development has accelerated since the start of mandatory SEF trading in the US from February 2014, and the market for euro interest rate swaps is now clearly split between US and non-US counterparties. This research note provides evidence of this further fragmentation since February, based on an empirical analysis of cleared derivatives data.

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