Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

ISDA: EMIR Refit Reporting Suggested Operational Practices

Date 16/04/2024

In preparation for the commencement of the EMIR Refit regulatory reporting rules on 29 April 2024, Suggested Operational Practices (SOP) for over-the-counter derivative (OTC) reporting have been established and agreed by market participants through a series of discussions held within the ISDA Data and Reporting EMEA Working Group. These SOPs have been developed to help deliver accuracy and efficiency of EMIR reporting, and to adhere to the regulatory requirements.

The SOP matrix has been established based on the EMIR Refit validation table, (as published by ESMA), which contains the Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS), the Implementation Technical Standards (ITS) and validation rules. Additional tabs have been added to supplement to SOPs, including product-level SOPs for several of the underlier fields, and listing names of floating rate options. There are also tabs to reflect updates made to the matrix (‘Updates’) and a tab to track questions raised by the ISDA Data and Reporting EMEA Working Group (‘WG Questions’).

This document will continue to be reviewed and updated as and when required. While the intention of these SOPs is to provide an agreed and standardised market guide for firms to utilize, no firm is legally bound or compelled in any way to follow any determinations made within these EMIR SOPs.

Documents (1)for EMIR Refit reporting Suggested Operational Practices