Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Iran Fara Bourse (IFB) Commercializes The Inventions

Date 03/06/2014

The opening ceremony of Intellectual Property Market of IFB with the presence of Vice-President of Iran Parliament, Deputy President (Technological and scientific), the Judiciary, Senior Managers of Iran Capital Market, inventors, elites and academics and also Mr. Guido Von Scheffer, CEO of IP-Strategists was held on 1th June 2014. This Market officially started its transactions on June 1, 2014 by the block trade of one patent in the field of pieces of car with the value of IRR 2 billion. Mr. Amir Hamooni, CEO of IFB said, “patents, Trademarks and Industrial Designs can be traded in this market.” He also said, “Intellectual Property Market is an opportunity to technological knowledge’s owners and patents owner in order to intellectual property be evaluated and also decreasing risks of intellectual property-based Securities market. Major goal of launching this market is to protect and flow science, thought and idea in the Iran industry. Undoubtedly, IP Market will bring about a lot of problem resolutions in commercialization, connecting science and knowledge to industry and especially in the economic development of all industries. This market could be a perfect opportunity to inventors and all active people in the industry.”

Moreover, in this ceremony a message from Mr. Francis Gurry, Director General of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) which was sent to the opening ceremony of IFB IP Market was read out to audiences in this ceremony.