Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

IPE Electricty Futures Trades

Date 10/08/2001

Today, the IPE's Electricity futures contract traded for the first time. The trade took place between Powergen and Carr Futures Inc at 11.33am London time for 20 lots (equivalent to 14,860 MW) of March 2002 at a price of £18.35.

A trader at Powergen said, "Powergen is pleased to be part of the start of the IPE's Electricity futures contract and hope it follows the success of the IPE's other contracts and becomes a benchmark for a power index in the near future".

A broker at Carr said, "we are excited to be part of the beginning of trading of the IPE's Electricity futures contract and will continue to support the contract as the liquidity grows over time".

A second trade took place at 2.54pm London time for 20 lots (equivalent to 14,400 MW) of September 2001 at a price of £18.12.

Isabella Kurek-Smith, Head of IPE Utility Markets, said, "These trades represent another step in the evolution of the UK electricity market and are an indication that the trading community is now ready to start using IPE Electricity futures as part of their risk management portfolio".