The individuals elected to IPE Holdings plc Board is as follows: Ms Mary Bergonia, Man International; Mr Robert Cole, Trafalgar Commodities Ltd; Ms Isabelle Ealet, Goldman Sachs International; Mr John Evans, Spectron Futures Ltd; Mr Andy Gooch, Credit Lyonnais Rouse Ltd; Mr Timothy Knight, Paribas Futures Ltd; Mr Grégoire de Lestapis, Carr Futures Inc; Mr Goran Trapp, Morgan Stanley & Co International Ltd; Mr Christopher Moorhouse, BP Oil International; Mr Mark Cutter, Local Representative.
Sir Bob Reid and Dr Richard Ward remain on the Board as Chairman and Chief Executive respectively. Lord Fraser of Carmylie also continues on the Board as Lay Director.
Sir Bob Reid said "I am pleased to welcome the Directors to the new Board of IPE Holdings plc. The future of the IPE is an exciting one and I look forward to working with the Board as the Exchange faces the challenges ahead of it. I would also like to thank the outgoing Directors for all their input over their term of office".