Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Investor Activity On GPW In May 2024

Date 04/06/2024

GPW’s Main Market equities turnover reached PLN 32.8 billion in May 2024, an increase of 48.1% year on year. The average daily equities turnover on the Warsaw Stock Exchange increased to PLN 1.64 billion, up 55.5% year on year. The broad market index WIG gained more than 10% year to date.

  • PLN 32.8 billion – Main Market EOB equities turnover value (up 48.1% YoY)
  • PLN 204.6 million – structured products turnover value (up 31.6% YoY)
  • PLN 83.0 million – total ETF and ETC turnover value (up 15.7% YoY)


Equities Market

May was a successful month on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. GPW’s Main Market total equities turnover value reached PLN 32.9 billion, an increase of 46.4% year on year. EOB equities turnover value increased by 48.1% year on year to PLN 32.8 billion. Average daily EOB equities turnover value amounted to PLN 1.64 billion, up 55.5% year on year. The WIG index closed the month at 86,315.26 points, up 10.01% year to date.

In contrast to the GPW Main Market, NewConnect recorded declines. Total equities turnover value was PLN 128.9 million in May 2024, down 30.3% year on year. NewConnect EOB equities turnover value fell by 30.4% year on year to PLN 127.8 million.

GlobalConnect turnover increased: equities turnover value reached PLN 0.9 million in May 2024, an increase of 83% compared to PLN 0.5 million in May 2023.

Derivatives Market

Total derivatives turnover volume was 0.8 million instruments in May 2024, a decrease of 17.4% year in year. Index futures turnover decreased by 18.2% year on year to 519,100 futures. Currency futures turnover decreased by 38.6% year on year to 161,800 futures. Single-stock futures turnover recorded a significant increase of 63.1% year on year to 144,400 futures.

Structured Products and ETF Market

Structured products turnover value increased by 31.6% year on year in May 2024, reaching PLN 204.6 million. Total ETF and ETCs turnover value increased to PLN 83.0 million, up 15.7% year on year.

Debt Instruments Market

The value of non-Treasury bond issues listed on Catalyst reached PLN 112.9 billion at the end of May 2024, compared to PLN 100.9 billion at the end of May 2023. Catalyst EOB bond turnover value fell by 18.0% year on year to PLN 515.2 million.

Treasury BondSpot Poland total bond turnover value was PLN 101.4 billion, up 111.0% from PLN 48.1 billion in May 2023.

GPW Capitalisation

The capitalisation of the 369 domestic companies listed on the Main Market in May 2024 amounted to PLN 805.7 billion (EUR 188.8 billion). The total capitalisation of the 411 domestic and foreign companies reached PLN 1,613.2 billion (EUR 378.0 billion).

New Listings

Shares of BRAINSCAN, an AI-based brain imaging diagnostics provider, were newly listed on NewConnect in May 2024. The offering value amounted to PLN 5.9 million.

Investor Activity on GPW in May 2024 (attachment)

Investor Activity on GPW in May 2024 (Infographic)


The Warsaw Stock Exchange Group (GPW Group) operates trading platforms for shares, Treasury and corporate bonds, derivatives, electricity and gas, and provides indices and benchmarks including WIBOR and WIBID. The index agent FTSE Russell classifies the Polish capital market as a Developed Market since 2018. The markets operated by the GPW Group are the biggest in Central and Eastern Europe. For more information, visit