Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Investor Activity On GPW In June 2024

Date 02/07/2024

GPW Main Market equity turnover reached PLN 24.3 billion in June 2024, a decrease of 2.4% year on year. Average daily equity turnover on the Warsaw Stock Exchange increased to PLN 1.21 billion, up 2.4% year on year. The broad market index WIG gained close to 13% in H1 2024.

  • PLN 24.3 billion – Main Market EOB equity turnover value (down 2.4% YoY)
  • PLN 1.21 billion – average daily EOB equity turnover value (up 2.4% YoY)
  • PLN 208.7 million – structured product turnover value (up 2.7% YoY)
  • PLN 113.1 million – total ETF and ETC turnover value (up 30.3% YoY)


Equity Market

July saw stock prices fall on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. GPW Main Market total equity turnover value reached PLN 24.4 billion, a drop of 9.9% year on year. EOB equity turnover value fell 2.4% year on year to PLN 24.3 billion. Average daily EOB equity turnover value was PLN 1.21 billion, up 2.4% year on year. The WIG index closed June 2024 at 88,613.67 points, gaining 12.94% year to date.

NewConnect total equity turnover value was PLN 96.1 million in June 2024, down 36.4% year on year. NewConnect EOB equity turnover value fell by 34.2% year on year to PLN 94.1 million.

GlobalConnect turnover decreased: equity turnover value reached PLN 0.6 million in June 2024, a decrease of 20.8% compared to PLN 0.8 million in June 2023.

Derivatives Market

Total derivatives turnover volume was 1.9 million instruments in June 2024, an increase of 2.0% year in year. Index futures turnover decreased by 2.0% year on year to 890,000 futures. Currency futures turnover increased by 6.6% year on year to 808,900 futures. Single-stock futures turnover recorded an increase to 134,500 futures (+11.6% year on year).

Structured Product and ETF Market

Structured product turnover value increased by 2.7% year on year, reaching PLN 208.7 million in June 2024. Total ETF and ETC turnover value increased significantly to PLN 113.1 million, up 30.3% year on year.

Debt Market

The value of non-Treasury bond issues listed on Catalyst reached PLN 116.4 billion at the end of June 2024, compared to PLN 97.8 billion at the end of June 2023. Catalyst EOB bond turnover value increased by 72.8% year on year to PLN 569.0 million.

Treasury BondSpot Poland total bond turnover value was PLN 83.8 billion, up 93.0% from PLN 43.4 billion in June 2023.

Capitalisation of GPW Listed Companies

The capitalisation of the 368 domestic companies listed on the Main Market in June 2024 amounted to PLN 825.4 billion (EUR 191.4 billion). The total capitalisation of the 410 domestic and foreign companies reached PLN 1,584.6 billion (EUR 367.4 billion).

New Listings

Shares of Polskie Towarzystwo Wspierania Przedsiębiorczości, a company active in the publishing, event, and facility management industry, were newly listed on the GPW Main Market in June 2024. It was the fifth new listing and the fifth transfer from NewConnect to the GPW Main Market this year.

Covered bonds issued by Millennium Bank Hipoteczny at a total nominal value of PLN 300 million were newly listed on Catalyst. Millennium Bank Hipoteczny is the fifth mortgage bank to introduce mortgage covered bonds to trading on GPW. Corporate bonds issued by Developres were also newly listed on Catalyst in June 2024. The bonds were worth PLN 12.9 billion.