Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Investor Activity On GPW In December 2024

Date 03/01/2025

The year 2024 brought record-high equity turnover on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The GPW Main Market equity turnover was PLN 25.4 billion in December 2024, representing an increase of 5.4% year on year. Average daily equity turnover stood at PLN 1.39 billion, an increase of 10.9% year on year. The broad market index WIG gained 1.4% between January and December 2024.

  • PLN 25.0 billion – Main Market EOB equity turnover value (up 5.1% YoY)
  • PLN 1.39 billion – average daily EOB equity turnover value (up 10.9% YoY)
  • PLN 203.6 million – structured product turnover value (up 47.0% YoY)
  • PLN 139.2 million – total ETF and ETC turnover value (up 19.2% YoY)

Equity Market

The year 2024 brought record-high equity turnover on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The GPW equity market rallied in December 2024. GPW Main Market total equity turnover value reached PLN 25.4 billion, up by 5.4% year on year. EOB equity turnover value was PLN 25.0 billion, up by 5.1% year on year. Average daily EOB equity turnover value stood at PLN 1.39 billion, up by 10.9% year on year. The WIG index reached 79,577.32 points at the end of December, gaining 1.4% year on year.

NewConnect total equity turnover value was PLN 86.6 million in December 2024, down by 52.2% year on year. NewConnect EOB equity turnover value dropped by 51.9% year on year to PLN 82.2 million.

GlobalConnect equity turnover value reached PLN 8.8 million in December 2024 vs. PLN 2.3 million in December 2023.

Derivatives Market

Total derivatives turnover volume was 1.2 million instruments in December 2024, a decrease of 30.4% year on year. Index futures turnover decreased by 17.8% year on year to 646,500 futures. Currency futures turnover decreased by 55.2% year on year to 338,400 futures. Single-stock futures turnover was 154,000 futures, up by 48.8% year on year in December 2024.

Structured Product and ETF Market

Structured product turnover value increased by 47.0% year on year, reaching PLN 203.6 million in December 2024. Total ETF and ETC turnover value increased by 19.2% year on year and reached PLN 139.2 million.

Debt Market

The value of non-Treasury bond issues listed on Catalyst reached PLN 131.5 billion at the end of December 2024. Catalyst EOB bond turnover value decreased to PLN 370.1 million in December 2024, down by 30.4% year on year.

Treasury BondSpot Poland total bond turnover value was PLN 74.5 billion in December 2024, up by 267.3% year on year.

Capitalisation of GPW Listed Companies

The capitalisation of the 368 domestic companies listed on the GPW Main Market amounted to PLN 731.9 billion (EUR 171.3 billion) at the end of December 2024. The total capitalisation of the 411 domestic and foreign companies reached PLN 1,491.7 billion (EUR 349 billion).

New Listings

Shares of two companies were newly listed on the GPW Main Market in December: Noctiluca, a technology company which develops advanced chemical compounds that are a key component of OLED panels; and Neptis, a manufacturer, supplier and operator of innovative solutions in the area of vehicle monitoring, car navigation, and the creator and operator of the Yanosik messaging service for drivers.

Shares of the company V-MAX were newly listed on NewConnect in December. The sale of shares in the company, which operates in the plastics industry, was worth PLN 3.8 million.