Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Introduction Of Docpharma On The Double Fixing Market Of Euronext Brussels

Date 29/06/2001

On Friday 29, 890,000 ordinary shares, which have been offered for public subscription, were admitted on the First market of Euronext Brussels. An additional 100,000 shares will be admitted in case of exercise of the green shoe.

As Delta Lloyd Securities will act as permanent liquidity provider, the shares will be traded on the continuous market as from Monday, July 2.

The subscription period was closed early on Monday 18 June, after only 3 working days, due to a threefold oversubscription.

Docpharma sells generic drugs on the Belgian pharmaceutical market. After only 2 years of activity, Docpharma SA is already a significant actor on the Belgian pharmaceutical market. Docpharma counts 26 products, in 44 proportionings and formulations, which allowed it to become a significant provider of generic products on the Belgian pharmaceutical market.

By this operation, Docpharma wishes to ensure an adequate structure to its sources of financing, to ensure the independence and the professionalism of the management, to realise aquisitions which are in line with the strategy of the company and to obtain an increased visibility.

At this moment 21,7% (before green shoe) of the capital is in the hands of the public.

The financial service is assured by Delta Lloyd Securities.

At the first fixing, the price was set at EUR 10.48 , at the second fixing the price closed at EUR 9.70. A total of 81,236 shares were traded for an amount of EUR 815,229.92.

The company Docpharma is classified under the sector 66: "Distributors".