Listings & Volume Growth
ISE's product list has grown to 497 issues. This Exchange is now the primary market, as represented by volume, in 133 of its issues. The current list of all issues traded is always available on our web site ( within the section entitled "Product Information." ISE plans to list the top equity options representing approximately 90% of the U.S. equity options market by volume; total industry volume in the current listings comprise approximately 89% of the market.
ISE's average daily volume during the first four months of 2002 was 522,350 contracts, up 224% from the average volume (160,942 contracts) during the same four-month period the previous year.
ISE's market share in its listed products averaged 21.5% for the month, up from 10% during April of last year. ISE's market share for all listed equity options averaged 19.3%, compared to 6.5% for April of 2001; this figure represents the highest such market share attained by ISE since the launch of trading. The advantages of ISE's unparalleled market structure and trading system continue to be experienced by ISE member firms and their customers.
The number of broker-dealers approved as Electronic Access Members (EAMs) has grown to 98 firms, with several more in the process of attaining membership.
As well, two major financial institutions have recently announced their increased participation as market makers, further ensuring deep, liquid, tight markets that has set ISE apart. Credit Suisse First Boston Corp. and TD Securities are both beginning a sequential activation of market maker memberships until they are each providing liquidity in all ten bins.