Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

International Securities Exchange Trades Over One Million Contracts - New Daily Volume Record - 1,039,975 Contracts Establish Record

Date 12/07/2002

Yesterday, the ISE traded 1,039,975 contracts, the highest daily volume on the Exchange since launch in May 2000. The previous daily record was 964,553 contracts set the previous day, July 10. For the past two days, the ISE has been the number one exchange in equity options.

David Krell, president and CEO of ISE, said, "The pace of expansion has been continuously accelerating, as the industry's strong support grows for the unique market structure and trading system established by ISE."

This significant milestone comes on the heels of ISE experiencing a record month in June, establishing new highs in both average daily volume (719,560 contracts) and market share (24.4% of all equity options). In addition, the ISE was the primary market in 257 issues of its 507 listed options.