Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

International Securities Exchange To Explore Membership In The Consolidated Tape Association And OTC/UTP Plans

Date 15/08/2005

The International Securities Exchange (NYSE:ISE) said today that it will explore becoming a participant in the Consolidated Tape Association plan and the OTC/UTP plan.

The CTA plan covers quotation and last sale information for stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange and American Stock Exchange. The OTC/UTP plan covers quotation and last sale information for Nasdaq stocks. Other US options exchanges that compete with ISE are participants in these plans.

"We have always said that we would explore opportunities in other asset classes where we felt that we could add value. CTA and OTC/UTP plan membership would give us operating flexibility as we consider how to build upon our foundation as operators of the world's largest equity options exchange," said David Krell, ISE's President and Chief Executive Officer.