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International Capital Market Association (ICMA) Announces New Senior Appointment To Regulatory Policy Team

Date 06/11/2008

The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) is pleased to announce the appointment of David Hiscock to ICMA’s Regulatory Policy team as Senior Advisor. < /P>

Having initially qualified as a UK Chartered Accountant, prior to this appointment Mr Hiscock spent over twenty years at JP Morgan, where he had a variety of roles most recently that of Managing Director and European Head of Hybrid Capital Structuring.

He joined the team, managed by ICMA’s Head of Regulatory Policy, Paul Richards, at the beginning of November to co-ordinate ICMA’s policy work on various initiatives undertaken on behalf of its members and the industry, particularly in response to current global market turbulence. In this context the focus is on ICMA’s role in restoring the effective functioning of cross-border secondary markets through the application of its rules and recommendations on market practice.

Commenting on the new appointment René Karsenti, ICMA’s Executive President said: “Turbulent conditions in the last year have emphasised the need for expert industry bodies to enable dialogue between market participants and their regulators. This high level appointment underlines ICMA’s commitment to serving the needs of its global membership at this challenging time.”