Interhyp AG | ISIN DE0005121701 |
- Type of Admission: | New Issue |
- First Trading Day: | 29/09/2005 |
- Market Segment: | Prime Standard, Official Market |
- Sector / Industry Group: | Financial Services / Diversified Financial |
- Issue Price (in €): | 42.00 |
- Placement Volume in Shares: | 2,371,630 (excl. Greenshoe of 355,745) |
- First Price (in €): | 51.00 |
- Underwriter: | Global Coordinator / Sole Bookrunner: Deutsche Bank |
Co-Lead Manager: Sal. Oppenheim |
According to Interhyp AG, the company is Germany’s leading mortgage broker. Interhyp was founded in 1999 and has generated a mortgage volume of EUR 1.1 billion in the first two quarters of 2005.
FWB Frankfurt Stock Exchange – New Issues and New Admissions in 2005
- Prime Standard: 5 New Issues and 1 New Admission (Lanxess)
- General Standard: -
- Regulated Unofficial Market: 2 New Issues and 11 New Admissions