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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Intercontinental Exchange Reports ICE And NYSE Volume For March 2015 - Energy Daily Volume Up 16% Over Prior March

Date 06/04/2015

Intercontinental Exchange (NYSE: ICE), the leading global network of exchanges and clearing houses, today reported March exchange traded volume.

ICE’s March 2015 futures and options average daily volume (ADV) declined 7% compared to March 2014.

  • Commodity ADV increased 13% led by Brent, Gasoil, Other Oil and Nat Gas up 28%, 8%, 32%, and 9% respectively, from the prior March.
  • Financials ADV declined 22% from the previous March primarily due to continued low volatility in Continental European short-term interest rates and single stock equities, partially offset by a 9% and 6% increase in Sterling and Gilt ADV, respectively.

ADV for NYSE’s U.S. cash equities increased 6%, while U.S. equity options ADV declined 32% over the prior March. NYSE’s U.S. cash equities market share was 24.4% and NYSE’s U.S. options market share was 17.9%.


ICE Futures & Options ADV (contracts in 000s)

        ADV Mar     ADV Mar     Change       ADV       ADV     Change
        2015     2014     y/y       1Q15       1Q14     y/y
Brent       786     612     28%       894       625     43%
Gasoil       231     215     8%       270       230     17%
Other Oil (1)       349     264     32%       391       259     51%
TOTAL OIL       1,367     1,091     25%       1,555       1,114     40%
Natural Gas (2)       837     765     9%       1,059       1,171     -10%
Power (3)       123     130     -5%       124       130     -5%
Emissions & Other (4)       41     61     -33%       43       56     -24%
TOTAL ENERGY       2,368     2,047     16%       2,780       2,471     13%
Sugar (5)       163     153     6%       179       187     -4%
Other Ags & Metals (6)       173     183     -5%       193       206     -6%
TOTAL AGRICULTURAL & METALS       336     336     0%       372       393     -5%
TOTAL COMMODITIES       2,703     2,383     13%       3,152       2,864     10%
Interest Rates                                          
Short-term Interest Rates (7)       1,258     1,722     -27%       1,307       1,879     -30%
Medium & Long-term Interest Rates (8)       178     171     4%       203       184     10%
TOTAL INTEREST RATES       1,436     1,892     -24%       1,509       2,063     -27%
Equity Indices (9)       542     544     0%       412       437     -6%
Single Stock Equities (10)       416     717     -42%       309       449     -31%
TOTAL EQUITY DERIVATIVES       957     1,261     -24%       721       885     -19%
TOTAL FX (11)       83     31     168%       59       27     118%
TOTAL FINANCIALS       2,476     3,185     -22%       2,289       2,975     -23%
TOTAL FUTURES & OPTIONS       5,180     5,568     -7%       5,441       5,840     -7%

Note: Figures may not foot due to rounding.

(1)   “Other Oil” includes futurized oil, WTI, Heating Oil, RBOB Gasoline and Middle East Sour Crude, excludes Daily Brent Bullets.
(2)   “Natural Gas” includes North American, UK and European Natural Gas.
(3)   “Power” includes North American, UK and European Power.
(4)   “Emissions & Other” includes emissions, freight, coal, iron ore and uranium.
(5)   “Sugar” includes Sugar No. 11, Sugar No. 16 and White Sugar.
(6)   “Other Ags & Metals” includes Cocoa ($), Cocoa (£),Coffee “C”, Robusta Coffee, Cotton No. 2, Orange Juice, Corn, Feed Wheat, Soybeans, Barley, Canola, Mini Gold and Mini Silver contracts.
(7)   “Short-term Interest Rates” includes Euribor, Sterling, Swiss, Eonia, Eurodollar, Short Gilt, European Government Bonds and DTCC GCF Repo Index® contracts.
(8)   “Medium & Long-Term Rates” includes Gilt, Swapnotes, Japanese Government Bonds, European Government Bonds, Treasuries and U.S. Government Bonds and Ultrabond contracts.
(9)   “Equity Indices” includes FTSE 100®, FTSE 100 Dividend®, price return and net total return versions of MSCI EAFE®, MSCI Emerging Markets®, MSCI Europe®, and MSCI World®, Russell 2000®, Russell 1000®.
(10)   “Single Stock Equities” includes equities domiciled in 25 countries that trade in the UK.
(11)   “TOTAL FX” includes futures and options for the U.S. Dollar Index and foreign exchange.

ICE Futures & Options Rolling Three-Month Average Rate per Contract (RPC)

      Three Months     Three Months     Three Months
Futures & Options     Ending     Ending     Ending
Products     Mar 2015     Feb 2015     Jan 2015
Energy     $1.34     $1.33     $1.31
Agricultural & Metals     $2.34     $2.40     $2.37
Total Commodities     $1.46     $1.45     $1.40
Interest Rates     $0.60     $0.60     $0.63
Total Financials     $0.63     $0.64     $0.66

RPC is calculated by dividing transaction revenues by contract volume, and may vary based on pricing, customer and product mix. RPC is subject to revision based on final numbers.


ICE Futures & Options Open Interest (contracts in 000s)

          Mar 31, 2015         Dec 31, 2014
Energy         40,000         38,436
Agricultural & Metals         3,646         3,308
Total Commodities         43,647         41,744
Interest Rates         14,494         13,042
Total Financials         27,095         26,332

U.S. Equity Options (contracts in 000s)

      ADV Mar     ADV Mar     Change       ADV       ADV     Change
      2015     2014     y/y       1Q15       1Q14     y/y
NYSE Equity Options(1)     2,505     3,658     -32%       2,717       3,874     -30%
Total U.S. Options Volume     14,010     15,316     -9%       14,822       16,073     -8%
NYSE Share of Group Total     17.9%     23.9%     -6.0pts       18.3%       24.1%     -5.8pts
    (1)   “NYSE Equity Options” includes NYSE Amex Options and NYSE Arca Options trading in U.S. equity options contracts.

NYSE U.S. Equity Options Rolling Three-Month Average Rate per Contract (RPC)

        Three Months       Three Months       Three Months
        Ending       Ending       Ending
        Mar 2015       Feb 2015       Jan 2015
NYSE US Equity Options       $0.18       $0.18       $0.18

NYSE U.S. Cash Products (shares in millions)

      ADV Mar     ADV Mar     Change       ADV       ADV     Change
      2015     2014     y/y       1Q15       1Q14     y/y
NYSE Listed (Tape A) Issues                                        
Handled Volume (1)     1,180     1,091     8%       1,182       1,080     9%
Matched Volume(2)     1,162     1,065     9%       1,161       1,051     10%
Total NYSE Listed Consolidated Volume     3,523     3,469     2%       3,680       3,600     2%
Share of Total Matched Consolidated Volume     33.0%     30.7%     2.3pts       31.6%       29.2%     2.3pts
NYSE Arca, MKT and Regional (Tape B) Listed Issues                                        
Handled Volume (1)     303     284     6%       325       271     20%
Matched Volume(2)     287     269     7%       309       256     21%
Total NYSE Arca and MKT Listed Consolidated Volume     1,314     1,226     7%       1,356       1,204     13%
Share of Total Matched Consolidated Volume     21.9%     21.9%     -0.1pts       22.8%       21.2%     1.6pts
Nasdaq Listed (Tape C) Issues                                        
Handled Volume (1)     204     220     -7%       213       215     -1%
Matched Volume(2)     192     201     -4%       199       195     2%
Total Nasdaq Listed Consolidated Volume     1,877     2,234     -16%       1,902       2,169     -12%
Share of Total Matched Consolidated Volume     10.2%     9.0%     1.2pts       10.5%       9.0%     1.5pts
TOTAL U.S. Cash Market Share Matched     24.4%     22.1%     2.3pts       24.1%       21.5%     2.5pts
TOTAL ADV U.S. Cash Shares Handled     1,687     1,596     6%       1,720       1,566     10%


(1)   “Handled Volume” represents the total number of shares of equity securities, exchange traded funds (ETFs) and crossing session activity internally matched on NYSE Group’s exchanges or routed to and executed on an external market center.
(2)   “Matched Volume” represents the total number of shares of equity securities, ETFs and crossing session activity executed on NYSE Group’s exchanges.
NYSE U.S. Cash Rolling Three-Month Revenue Capture

(per 100 shares)

        Three Months       Three Months       Three Months
        Ending       Ending       Ending
        Mar 2015       Feb 2015       Jan 2015
U.S. Cash Products       $0.049       $0.050       $0.051

Credit Default Swaps (CDS) Transaction and Clearing

  • First quarter 2015 revenues from ICE’s credit default swap (CDS) trade execution, processing and clearing businesses totaled $43 million, compared to $43 million in the prior first quarter, and included $29 million in CDS clearing revenues, which were up from$26 million in the first quarter 2014.
  • ICE cleared $3.3 trillion in gross notional value of CDS in the first quarter 2015 compared to $3.5 trillion in gross notional cleared in the first quarter 2014.
  • On March 20, CDS reached a new daily volume record with $190 billion gross notional cleared.
  • More information can be found at:

Trading days in March 2015:

  • Interest Rates, Single Stock Equity Derivatives: 22
  • Commodities, Other Financials: 22
  • US Cash Equities, US Equity Options: 22