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Instinet Group Announces July 2004 Transaction Information

Date 12/08/2004

Instinet Group Incorporated (NASDAQ: INGP) today announced July 2004 transaction data for its two major business segments: Instinet, the Unconflicted Institutional Broker and INET, the Electronic Marketplace.

In July 2004, Instinet's total average daily U.S. equity share volume was 102 million shares, which represents a 2.8% share of the U.S. equity market. This compares to 88 million shares, or 2.5% of the U.S. equity market, in June 2004, and 110 million shares, or 2.9% of the U.S. equity market, in July 2003.

In July 2004, INET's total matched average daily U.S. equity share volume was 549 million shares, or 14.8% of the U.S. equity market. This volume consisted of 473 million shares of NASDAQ-listed stocks, or a 27.3% share of the NASDAQ-listed market, and 76 million shares of U.S. exchange-listed stocks, or 3.8% of the U.S. exchange-listed market.

This compares to INET's total matched average daily share volume of 451 million in June 2004, or 13.0% of the U.S equity market, consisting of 392 million shares of NASDAQ-listed stocks, or a 24.5% share of the NASDAQ-listed market, and 59 million shares of U.S. exchange-listed stocks, or 3.1% of the U.S. exchange-listed market.

In July 2003, INET's total matched average daily share volume was 491 million shares, or 13.2% of the U.S equity market, consisting of 440 million shares of NASDAQ-listed stocks, or a 24.8% share of the NASDAQ-listed market, and 51 million shares of U.S. exchange-listed stocks, or 2.6% of the U.S. exchange-listed market.

Instinet Group reports additional monthly operating data on its website at under the heading "Investor Relations - Instinet Trading Activity."

July 2004 June 2004 July 2003 (3)
# of Trade Days 21 21 22
Instinet (1)
Total U.S. equity average daily volume (million shares) 102 88 110
Share of total U.S. equity market 2.8% 2.5% 2.9%
INET - Matched Average Daily Volume (2)
Nasdaq-listed equity share volume (million shares) 473 392 440
Share of total Nasdaq market 27.3% 24.5% 24.8%
U.S. exchange-listed share volume (million shares) 76 59 51
Share of total U.S. exchange-listed market 3.8% 3.1% 2.6%
Total U.S. equity share volume (million shares) 549 451 491
Share of total U.S. equity market 14.8% 13.0% 13.2%

Monthly totals may not reflect weekly data, which are preliminary. The number of trading days in each period takes account of U.S. market holidays and any other U.S. market closings.

  1. For a description of how we calculate Instinet's transaction volumes, see "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations - Calculation of Volume - Instinet, the Institutional Broker" in our Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2004.
  2. For a description of how we calculate INET's transaction volumes, see "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations - Calculation of Volume - INET, the Electronic Marketplace" in our Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2004.
  3. Represents Inet ATS, Inc. volume, including volume from ProTrader Securities L.P. beginning the week ended 10/5/01 through 7/22/03.
Instinet has experienced significant seasonality in its business, and period-to-period comparisons of operating results are not necessarily meaningful, nor are the results for any period necessarily indicative of results for any future period.