Commenting on Instinet's membership, Simon Hutchinson, Director of Global Portfolio Trading Europe at Instinet Europe Limited said, "Historically Instinet has offered access to Helsinki Exchanges through a third party broker, but we are now delighted to announce our membership of Helsinki Exchanges giving our clients fast, direct access. This is part of Instinet's ongoing strategy to identify opportunities to improve trading for all our clients".
Jouni Torasvirta, Executive Vice President, says it is a great pleasure to welcome Instinet as a member of Helsinki Exchanges. He says: "The increasing number of members enhances the liquidity and transparency of the marketplace in Helsinki."
Instinet, through affiliates, is the largest global electronic agency securities broker and has been providing investors with electronic trading solutions for more than 30 years. Its services enable buyers and sellers worldwide to trade securities directly and anonymously with each other, have the opportunity to gain price improvement for their trades and lower their overall trading costs. Through electronic platforms, customers also can access over 40 securities markets throughout the world. Instinet provides customers with access to research generated internally and by third parties, as well as various informational and decision-making tools.
HEX operates the stock exchange and central securities depository in Finland, Estonia and Latvia, and provides market parties with reliable services of a high quality. HEX has six business units: Trading, Settlement and Depository, Issuer Services, Securities Services, Information Solutions and Baltic Operations.
Including Instinet, Helsinki Exchanges now has 45 Cash Market Trading Members of which 28 members trade from abroad.