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Instinet CEO Edward Nicoll To Testify Before The Subcommittee Of The House Financial Services Committee Regarding The Role Of Specialists

Date 20/02/2004

Instinet Group Incorporated (Nasdaq: INGP) today announced that its CEO Edward J. Nicoll will testify before a hearing, at 10 a.m. in New York City, held by the House Financial Services Capital Markets Subcommittee, and chaired by Rep. Richard H. Baker (LA), to review the role of specialists in the modern capital markets. Entitled "Market Structure III: The Role of the Specialist in the Evolving Modern Marketplace," the hearing will take place in the Alexander Hamilton Auditorium of the Native American Museum at the United States Custom House at One Bowling Green in lower Manhattan.

In his testimony, Ed Nicoll will encourage the members of the House Subcommittee to support regulatory changes that allow electronic markets to compete on a level playing field with manual, floor based markets such as the NYSE. Excerpts from his testimony include:

  • "The debate about regulatory reform is really a debate about whether one market structure fits all or whether investors should be free to choose how and where they trade."

  • "I challenge the NYSE to make its trading data, and in particular all specialist trading activity, publicly available. We owe investors an open and honest look at the numbers -- not just simple assurances that 'All is well'."

  • "If the NYSE truly wants to offer an automated execution system that competes with ECNs, I challenge the NYSE to make two additional changes:

    1. Immediately display all limit orders received electronically -- no delays, no human intervention, and no exceptions.

    2. Immediately execute all matching orders received electronically - no delays, no human intervention, and no exceptions."

  • "Certainly, if the NYSE is stirred to propose these changes (to its Direct+ system) to simply stave off the threat of competition, actual competition will produce even greater benefits for investors."

To download the testimony, please access the following link:

About Instinet
Instinet, through affiliates, is the largest global electronic agency securities broker and has been providing investors with electronic trading solutions for more than 30 years. Our services enable buyers and sellers worldwide to trade securities directly and anonymously with each other, have the opportunity to gain price improvement for their trades and lower their overall trading costs.
Through our electronic platforms, our customers also can access over 40 securities markets throughout the world, including NASDAQ, the NYSE and stock exchanges in Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London, Paris, Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto and Zurich. We also provide our customers with access to research generated by us and by third parties, as well as various informational and decision-making tools. We act solely as an agent for our customers and do not trade securities for our own account or maintain inventories of securities for sale. Inet ATS, Inc. (INET), and Instinet, LLC (Instinet, the Institutional Broker), are subsidiaries of Instinet Group Incorporated (NASDAQ: INGP), part of the Reuters family of companies. Instinet is part of the Reuters family of companies.