Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Indice General de la Bolsa de Madrid Index New Composition For First Half 2005

Date 27/12/2004

The new sectorial classification of the Spanish stock exchange entails the creation of new sectors in the IGBM.

The Indice General de la Bolsa de Madrid (IGBM) Management Committee has decided, in accordance with technical provisions for the composition, calculation and sectorial division of the IGBM index family, to approve the composition of the IGBM and Indice Total indices for the first half of 2005.

Based on trading volume and market capitalisation criteria, the new composition of the IGBM is as follows: the index is to add 8 stocks and no shares are to be excluded from the index. Therefore the IGBM will now contain 117 stocks during the first half of 2005. The record highs in trading volumes posted by the market in 2004 have reflected in the higher number of companies included in the IGBM. The index new composition is as follows:


Bodegas Riojanas
Nicolas Correa
Global Steel Wire
Banco de Castilla

The new sectorial classification created by the Spanish stock exchange entails the creation of new sectorial and sub-sectorial indices. Their calculation and real-time dissemination will start as of 3 January 2005 with base 1000 as of 31 December 2004. The Índice General de la Bolsa de Madrid (IGBM) and the Indice Total will not be altered and will keep their current base (as of 31 December 1985 = 100).