Those 15 companies with the highest market capitalisation, from among the 20 companies on the Iceland Main List most actively traded during the past 12-month period, comprise the ICEX-15 index for the subsequent six months. This selection excludes equity funds, however. The period from 1 June 2002 to 31 May 2003 determines the choice of companies for the period from 1 July 2003 to 31 December 2003.
The following is a list of companies included in ICEX-15 for the upcoming period, including information on their weighting in the index (based on market capitalisation as of 31 May 2003) and the proportion of each company in the aggregate turnover for all the companies.
Industrial sector (sector index) |
Market cap. in ISK millions | Weighting in the index | ICEX turnover in ISK millions (last 12 mos.) | % of turnover of ICEX-15 companies |
Finance and insurance | 59,646 | 17.3% | 7,906 | 16.5% |
Pharmaceuticals | 58,513 | 16.9% | 8,878 | 18.6% |
Finance and insurance | 45,45 | 13.2% | 7,708 | 16.1% |
Transport | 32,716 | 9.5% | 4,64 | 9.7% |
Finance and insurance | 28,204 | 8.2% | 4,558 | 9.5% |
Industry and manufacturing | 19,47 | 5.6% | 4,549 | 9.5% |
Industry and manufacturing | 15,699 | 4.5% | 2,951 | 6.2% |
Finance and insurance | 15,561 | 4.5% | 697 | 1.5% |
Fisheries | 14,11 | 4.1% | 1,888 | 3.9% |
Oil distribution | 11,935 | 3.5% | 1,03 | 2.2% |
Transport | 10,681 | 3.1% | 1,425 | 3.0% |
Equity funds and Investment companies | 9,485 | 2.7% | 176 | 0.4% |
Fisheries | 8,578 | 2.5% | 492 | 1.0% |
Information technology (IT) | 7,735 | 2.2% | 495 | 1.0% |
Fisheries | 7,482 | 2.2% | 418 | 0.9% |
345,266 | 100.0% | 47,811 | 100.0% |
Four new companies are added to the index: Fjarfestingarfelagid Straumur, Grandi, Og fjarskipti (Og Vodafone) and Solumidstod Hradfrystihusanna. Shares of Fjarfestingarfelagid Straumur, Solumidstod Hradfrystihusanna and Og fjarskipti are now included in the index for the first time, while Grandi?s shares were most recently part of the index in the first half of 2001. Those companies no longer included are Baugur Group (take-over bid), Ker (delisted 30 May 2003), Bunadarbankinn (merged with Kaupthing Banki) and Tryggingamidstodin (TM).
As a result of the changes, companies from two new sector indices will be included in the ICEX-15 index: Fjarfestingarfelagid Straumur, from the index of equity funds and investment companies, and Og fjarskipti, from the IT index. The exit of Baugur Group from the index means that it will no longer include any company from Services and commerce. The table below shows the weighting of each sector in the ICEX-15 index based on market capitalisation, as well as their proportion in the total turnover.
Industrial sector | No. of companies | Market cap. in ISK millions | % | Turn-over in ISK millions | % |
Finance and insurance | 4 | 148,861 | 43.1% | 20,870 | 43.7% |
Industry and manufacturing | 2 | 35,169 | 10.2% | 7,500 | 15.7% |
Pharmaceuticals | 1 | 58,513 | 16.9% | 8,878 | 18.6% |
Oil distribution | 1 | 11,935 | 3.5% | 1,030 | 2.2% |
Transport | 2 | 43,398 | 12.6% | 6,065 | 12.7% |
Fisheries | 3 | 30,170 | 8.7% | 2,798 | 5.9% |
Equity funds and investment companies | 1 | 9,485 | 2.7% | 176 | 0.4% |
Information technology (IT) | 1 | 7,735 | 2.2% | 495 | 1.0% |
15 | 345,266 | 100.0% | 47,811 | 100.0% |