The 15 largest companies in terms of market value are selected from the 20 companies most actively traded during the previous twelve months and those 15 companies are included in ICEX-15 for the next six months. Equity funds are excluded from the index. The period from 1 December 2001 to 30 November 2002 determines the choice of companies for the period from 1 January 2003 to 1 July 2003.
The companies included in ICEX-15 are therefore those that have the most active price formation on the exchange but inclusion in the index should not be perceived as a measure of quality. Further information on the composition of the index can be found at
Currently, 45 companies are listed on the Main List, not including equity funds. The 15 companies included in ICEX-15 account for 74,7% of the total market value of those companies. The turnover of the ICEX-15 companies was 90% of the total turnover on the Main List in the last twelve months.