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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Iberclear, BME's CSD, Receives Authorization To Provide Services To Issuers Under The Legislation Of Other EU Countries

Date 11/12/2024

  • BME's Spanish Central Securities Depositary can now provide notary and central maintenance services for securities issued under the laws of France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Austria
  • This European passport is in addition to the one Iberclear already had for the provision of services under UK law

A step forward in the internationalization and expansion of services of Iberclear, the Spanish Central Securities Depository, a subsidiary of BME. Iberclear has just obtained the European passport for the provision of initial registration and securities account maintenance services for non-equity securities issued under the laws of France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Austria. This passport is in addition to the one it already held for the provision of these services under UK law.

 Iberclear is authorized to provide these services in respect of non-equity securities such as bonds, warrants and other structured products, commercial papers or exchange-traded funds, in accordance with CSDR regulations. 

Jesús Benito, head of Domestic Custody at SIX, explains that “this authorization allows any issuer of non-equity securities to issue, through Iberclear, such securities in accordance, not only with Spanish legislation, but also with the legislation of the countries to which the authorization is extended, contributing to broaden Iberclear's range of services in an increasingly competitive and international context”.

You can consult more information about Iberclear on its website.