The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) today welcomed Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited’s (HKEX) launch of the first phase of the Integrated Fund Platform (IFP).
The Fund Repository, part of this new financial infrastructure in Hong Kong, will provide investors with a one-stop access to information on retail funds (Note 1). HKEX will roll out other functionalities of the IFP, including a business platform and a communications network to facilitate dealing of funds on a business-to-business basis between fund managers and distributors (Note 2).
Noting the significance of HKEX’s announcement, Ms Christina Choi, the SFC’s Executive Director of Investment Products, said: "With the Fund Repository going live, a trove of information will not only enhance product transparency, but also help investors make informed investment decisions and encourage retail participation in Hong Kong’s fund market. We believe that when other components fall into place, a fully-fledged platform will facilitate the building of an electronic ecosystem for retail fund distribution.”
The SFC is appreciative of industry stakeholders’ support for the new platform and will continue to work closely with HKEX and other related parties to bring about its full implementation.
- The Integrated Fund Platform is part of the government’s initiatives to foster co-development of fintech and the real economy in Hong Kong. Please refer to the SFC’s press release on 2 November 2023.
- For details on the Integrated Fund Platform and the Fund Repository, please refer to HKEX’s website.