Listing will be by introduction of the company's entire issued share capital of 1,040,664,846 shares with a par value of $1 each. The shares have been accepted as eligible securities for deposit, clearance and settlement in the Central Clearing and Settlement System. The stock code will be 388.
Copies of the listing document will be available during office hours for information purposes only from 22 June to 5 July inclusive at the following locations:
HSBC Investment Bank Asia Limited, Level 15, 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong;
Merrill Lynch Far East limited, 17/F, Asia Pacific Finance Tower, 3 Garden Road, Hong Kong;
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Asia Limited, 30/F, Three Exchange Square, Central, Hong Kong;
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, 1/F, One and Two Exchange Square, Central, Hong Kong; and
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited, 2/F, Vicwood Plaza, 199 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong.