FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
HKFE Offers Education Programme at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Date 23/11/1999
The Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE) and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) announced today that the Exchange is offering an education programme for students at the university between 23 November and 3 December. The programme, titled "Futures and Options Week," is part of the HKFE's ongoing effort to provide education programmes for university students in Hong Kong.
Professor T.P. Leung, PolyU's Vice-President (Quality Assurance), will be the guest of honour at the opening ceremony for "Futures and Options Week," which will be held 23 November at 7:00 PM at PolyU Lecture Theatre FJ301.
"Futures and Options Week" has been jointly organised by the Exchange and students from the university's Faculty of Business and Information Systems. It is designed to help students understand how the Exchange's futures and options work, and the vital role the Exchange plays in Hong Kong. The programme is open to all PolyU students and includes seminars and an investment game.
The investment seminars comprise: Smart Investors Workshop - A special presentation by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) on the regulatory regime for Hong Kong's securities and futures markets, investors' rights and obligations and case studies.
Introduction to Index Futures and Options - A presentation by the HKFE on the basic features of index futures and options, and how they are used.
Introduction to Interest-rate Futures - A presentation by the HKFE on the money market, HIBOR futures and the use of HIBOR futures.
Introduction to Rolling Forex - A presentation by the HKFE on the foreign exchange market, the basic features of Rolling Forex and the use of Rolling Forex.
Students will also be able to participate in an investment game that will run from 29 November to 3 December, with the top performers receiving department store vouchers. Information vendor Quote Power will provide real-time price quotes for the investment game.
In addition, some of the students will have an opportunity to visit the Exchange to learn more about its operations.
"Public education is one of the Exchange's most important responsibilities, so we always welcome the opportunity to present our education programmes to university students in Hong Kong," HKFE Chairman Dr. Geoffrey Yeh said. "Today's university students are the leaders and investors of tomorrow. By helping to ensure they are well informed about our markets, we are laying the foundation for Hong Kong to remain a leading international financial centre in the twenty-first century."
"Our University is committed to provide application-oriented education to support the community's need for skilled and professional manpower, " added Prof. T. P. Leung, PolyU's Vice-President. "The programme offers a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn more about the mechanisms of futures from experts in the field, which is in line with the University's philosophy of developing all-round graduates."