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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

HKEX: Swap Connect: New Tools, Enhanced Products And More Solutions, Glenda So, Co-Head Of Markets

Date 22/05/2024

Swap Connect launched in May 2023, marking a step forward for investors and creating the world’s first derivatives mutual market access programme.

Now, one year on, we have another step forward to celebrate: a new set of enhancements implemented this week giving investors new tools, enhanced product features and more solutions with which to risk-manage their RMB exposure according to international standards.

Make no mistake, this is an extremely exciting development.

At HKEX, we are always trying to make our markets better, and these new enhancements do just that.

Further, we are excited about the prospect of these enhancements helping our clients do more business with us.

International investors are increasingly active in China’s onshore bond markets and are asking for the tools, products and services implemented this week.

More fundamentally, the new enhancements send a powerful message from market regulators to the international investor community: namely, that we are going beyond hedging: we are applying international standards of risk management to RMB interest rate swap (IRS) products, and we are strengthening Hong Kong’s position as a RMB risk management centre.

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