Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

HKEx Revises Organisational Structure

Date 21/01/2002

Revisions to Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx)'s organisational structure will take effect on 1 February as part of the company's implementation of its new strategic plan. The strategic plan was formulated in the second half of last year with the help of international management consultants, McKinsey & Company.

The main structural change will involve the Cash and Derivatives Business Units merging into an integrated Exchange Business Unit.

The new Exchange Business Unit will take over all the responsibilities of the Cash and Derivatives Business Units, except participant administration.

Participant administration for the Cash, Derivatives and Clearing Business Units will be consolidated and transferred to Listing, Regulation and Risk Management. Responsibility for international liaison and development will be transferred to the Corporate Communications Functional Unit.

HKEx will create a new Corporate Strategy Functional Unit, focused on strategy development, planning, research and policy support.

Mr Kwong Ki-chi, Chief Executive, said an important vision of the new strategic plan was that HKEx should aim to become a growth-oriented business. "The Board of Directors believes the new organisational structure will enable us to provide a better service, focus on long-term growth opportunities and strengthen our operational efficiency," he said.